The subconscious mind - our Founder got featured in Glamour Magazine

This week in Glamour Magazine, our founder Louise discusses her therapy journey which has taken her to all kinds of places personally, but more recently 6 months of subconscious therapy has taken her into the realms of brain science, frequency, neuro science and subconscious programming & storage as she has always wanted to understand more why some of us just *can’t* change even though we feel like we are 'really trying'.

She dives into what she has learnt about the relationship between our conscious and subconscious minds as part of my own personal journey.

The power of our subconscious is insanely overlooked. It is the thing that drives us to eat, exercise, love and lust repeatedly in all the ways that we do. It is our hard wiring.

Our subconscious mind is 30,000 more powerful than our conscious mind and it is thought that we function from it around 90% of the day (it keeps our heart beating, our body functioning and stores a memory of every experience we ever go through). Every external stimuli we come into contact with gets cross - referenced against our subconscious to work out if it is potentially dangerous and/or we need to be alerted to it. If yes, the body may tell you that there is something that needs to be worried about or concerned about (cue, anxiety).

Majorly overlooked in traditional therapy & insanely powerful.

Thank you, Glamour!

Head HERE to read the article.


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