How to re-wire your nervous system (to re-wire your partner attraction)

Regulating your hormones and neurotransmitter imbalances is an essential step in rewiring your nervous system and changing the type of partner that you are attracted to. Your nervous system is responsible for controlling your behavior, including the type of partners you attract and if it’s dysregulated, you might be chasing dopamine highs and hits from all of the wrong places. The good news? Sarah Murphy, a biology of trauma expert, shows that with some effort and support, you can learn to regulate your nervous system and attract healthier partners.

Start In The Therapy Room

The first step is to get into therapy to work out the patterns that are driving the partner choice you are going for. This is so you can consciously start to break and re wire these cycles. You can also tart to focus on giving love to yourself rather than seeking it outside of yourself (and why you might not be doing this so far in life). This means investing time and energy into self-care activities that will help you regulate your nervous system. Somatic therapies, slow movements, nature, breathwork, safe friendships and community, ice baths, and music therapies are all effective ways to regulate your nervous system.

Supplements for Re Wiring Your Nervous System

In addition to these self-care activities, it is also essential to nourish your nervous system with proper nutrition. A stressed nervous system is a depleted nervous system and is one that cannot re-wire or effectively regulate. This means that you need to support stress hormones with magnesium, adaptogens (reishi, ashwagandha, and lions mane), B vitamins, vitamin C, minerals, and probiotics. Methylation imbalances can cause low dopamine and low oxytocin, which can lead to insecure attachment. Supporting this gene with nutrients like methylated B vitamins, fish oil, vitamins C, D, E, and probiotics can help regulate these hormones.

Gut Health and your Nervous System

Gut issues with intestinal permeability and inflammation, brain inflammation with primed neuron support cells (glial cells) or blood-brain barrier permeability, and poor clearance of toxins can all make nervous system healing hard and skew your brain chemistry even more. Supporting neurotransmitter imbalances with supplements and lifestyle support can help regulate your nervous system.

Low serotonin, low dopamine, and low GABA/high glutamate/high adrenaline are common neurotransmitter imbalances that can contribute to anxiety and insecure attachment. Meditation, exercise, massage, rhodiola, bacopa, curcumin, DHA, ginger, L-theanine, phosphatidylserine, SAMe, B6, B12, vitamin D, and foods rich in glutamic acid can help regulate these hormones.

Neuroplasticity is the process of creating new neural pathways to wire you on a different path and not seek out old behaviors. Increasing BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) can help create new neural pathways. Psilocybin, lions mane, cold exposure, meditation, exercise, controlling stress/inflammation in the body, social connections, sun exposure, and a high protein diet can all help increase BDNF.

Lastly, accepting small sparks or small icks can help you achieve small wins and create positive momentum towards healthier relationships. Understanding if you have a snip in your MTHF gene is also important, as this gene is highly associated with anxious attachment. If you do not support this gene with nutrients, you may experience low dopamine, serotonin, and other neurotransmitters, leading to insecure attachment.

In conclusion, regulating your hormones and neurotransmitter imbalances is essential for rewiring your nervous system and changing the type of partner you are attracted to. By investing time and energy into self-care activities, nourishing your nervous system with proper nutrition, and supporting neurotransmitter imbalances with supplements and lifestyle support, you can achieve a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.


The Spark, The Chase, The Ick & Our Nervous System


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