Questions To Ask On A Date - The Ultimate Guide To Identifying Compatibility

  1. What do you enjoy doing for fun?

    "So, what's your idea of a fun weekend? If you had a whole free weekend to yourself and you didn’t have one chore to do, or one person to report to, what would you do!"

  2. What are your passions in life?

    "What really gets you excited and motivated to pursue something? If you didn’t have to work another day in your life, what do you think you’d do?"

  3. What are your long-term goals?

    "Where do you see yourself in the next few years? I know this whole 5 year plan can be a bit intense for some people but what do you think your future holds for you?"

  4. What are your short-term goals?

    "So, what’s on the agenda in the next few months for you? Work? Love? Family? What are some things you're hoping to accomplish in the near future?"

  5. What kind of relationship are you looking for?

    "How have relationships treated you in the past? What kind of partner are you hoping to find at the moment? Are you looking to build something special if you meet the right person or are you happy on your own at the moment?"

  6. What are some things that you're not willing to compromise on?

    "We’ve all got red flags and dealbreakers. in people and situations and environments, right? What are some deal breakers for you in a relationship? What’s your thoughts on partying / substances?”

  7. What are some things that you're willing to compromise on?

    "The older I’ve got, the more and more I have realized that a relationship involves compromise. What are some things that you're open to negotiating on in a relationship?"

  8. What do you think are the most important qualities in a partner?

    "What traits do you find most attractive in someone you’re dating? Tell me about the types of girls or guys you’re attracted to normally (and how that works out for you!)"

  9. What do you think makes a relationship work?

    "In your opinion, what are the key factors that make a relationship successful? For me, I’ve learned XYZ…"

  10. What kind of communication style do you have?

    "How was communication in your family when you were growing up? Lots of it? None of it? I find that this is connected to how we communicate as adults. How do you like to communicate with your partner?"

  11. How do you handle conflict in a relationship?

    "Have you heard of these different conflict styles? It is so fascinating. What's your approach to resolving disagreements with your partner?"

  12. Love language
    "Have you ever heard of this thing called love languages? Do you know what makes you feel loved? Or what kind of gestures make you feel loved and valued in a relationship?"

  13. What are some things that make you feel neglected or unappreciated in a relationship?

    "What are some things that can cause you to feel disconnected from your partner? I think disconnection is a horrible and lonely place to be so I’d love to better understand this"

  14. What kind of communication do you need from your partner?

    "What kind of emotional support do you need from your significant other?"

  15. How important is physical intimacy in a relationship to you?

    "Compatibility in the bedroom is important, right. What role does physical intimacy play in a relationship for you?"

  16. How important is emotional intimacy in a relationship to you?

    "What role does emotional intimacy play in a relationship for you?"

  17. What are your thoughts on marriage and commitment and kids?

    "What's your perspective on marriage and long-term commitment?"

  18. How do you handle stress in a relationship?

    "What do you do to manage stress when it comes up in a relationship?"

  19. How do you prioritize your relationship with work or other commitments?

    "How do you balance your work or other commitments with your relationship?"

  20. What are your thoughts on children and starting a family?

    "Do you see yourself having children in the future? What are your thoughts on starting a family?"

  21. How do you handle finances in a relationship?

    "What's your approach to managing finances in a relationship?"

  22. How do you handle socializing and spending time with friends and family?

    "How important is spending time with friends and family to you? How do you prioritize that in your life?"

  23. How do you like to spend your free time?

    "What do you like to do in your spare time?"

  24. What are your thoughts on travel and adventure?

    "Do you like to travel? What kind of adventures do you enjoy?"

  25. How important is religion or spirituality in your life?

    "Do you have any religious or spiritual beliefs that are important to you?"

  26. How important is education and personal growth to you?

    "How important is it for you to continue learning and growing as a person?"


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